Monday, February 21, 2011

20 Miles from the Border!

Our time in LA was surprisingly really awesome, marking my first positive LA experience. I reconnected with my Aunt and Uncle and cousin there who I hadn't seen in many years. I caught up with some old buddies. I saw some crusty kids at Venice Beach drink their own booze vomit. And I made some amazing new friends in the LA radical scene!

The ride from LA to San Diego marked the last US "leg" of our journey. Now we are only 20 miles from the border, holy crap! We are staying at a house here called the Ninja lair, which is full of really rad people. There are also cats, bunnies, ducks, chickens, and a really aggressive rooster who tried to attack Josh and I in our tent this morning.

Also, I am really surprised at how much biking sucks in San Diego. Like Los Angeles, the drivers and super aggressive, but on top of that this city is hella hilly. So we have spent most of our time in the house, but it's nice to have a rest. We are headed to Tijuana tomorrow, my first time in Mexico, yes!

I uploaded a few more photos to this album, and here are some cute animals:

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