I seem to be running out of excuses for not having updated my blog since we arrived. The main problem is, with Michael's thorough and frequent descriptions of our trips events, I am at a loss of what to blog about. Another is that I've grown so accustomed to the odd cultural differences in China that I don't even notice when interesting things happen until Michael asks, "Why is that man walking around town in his pajamas?" or "Why do people like eating old stinky tofu?" or "Why is that old lady on the bus grabbing onto your butt for support?" In my head, the answer to these questions is clear: "Because it's China."
And anyway, how many old ladies dancing in the park or bicycles with loads the size of small trucks or beautiful women hacking loogies can you watch before it just gets old?

Nevermind, China is awesome and I'm ecstatic to be back.